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Join ENA to Take Down CVD from its "Number One Killer" Position

World Heart Day Call: Take down CVD from Its "Number One Killer" Position and Protect Ours and Yours Healthy hearts

Emirates Nursing Association joined collaboration with nursing department at Ras Al Khaimah Primary Health care centers at Emirates Health Services-EHS to organize world health day activity with the support of Zayed Complex Education in Awafi on 28th of September. This occasion world health nursing leaders and other supportive non healthcare leaders commitment to reduce global mortality from non-communicable diseases-NCDs by 25% by 2025. Cardiovascular Disease-CVD is accountable for nearly half of all Non Communicable Diseases-NCD deaths making it the world’s number one killer. World Heart Day is the perfect platform for the CVD community to unite in the fight against CVD and reduce the disease burden at international wide level. It aims to drive action to educate people by controlling and early intervention in managing the risk factors such as unhealthy diet practices and physical inactivity or redundant lifestyle, at least 80% of premature deaths from heart disease and stroke could be avoided.

Moreover, educating the women about their CVD risk (heart disease is the number one killer of women), and encourage them to take action to protect themselves, as well as their family. Also, educating the community that the threat of heart disease can begin even before birth, and that children’s risk increases during childhood with their exposure to risk factors such as unhealthy diet or exposure to tobacco smoke. Unless action is taken to enable heart-healthy activity, the children of today are at increased CVD risk later in life.

Thus a life-course approach is the key to reduction, prevention and control of CVD because healthy children lead to healthy adults and healthy adults lead to healthy families and communities. Thus the agenda of the activity carried out with the public awareness education specific for the school academic faculty from "teachers, administrative employees", the students, their parents or guardians and the whole community about the access to health screenings, the importance of sustaining the healthy heart practices through lifestyle and affording beneficial daily choices are also key factors in maintaining healthy hearts. proper nutrition intake, work life balance, engaging in outdoor recreational activities from sports or walking and regular exercise, maintaining appropriate regular sleep patterns, and rest are vital; the same goes for staying off smoking and avoiding harmful substance use.

And as per world heart federation conditions of the heart or blood vessels including stroke and heart failure killed more than 20 million people in 2021 yet up to 80 per cent of premature heart attacks and strokes can be prevented. Many affected by high-trending CVD rates include those under 55 years of age, and people in low-and middle-income countries and in some high-income countries.

The global #UseHeart movement springs from the annual World Heart Day campaign to drive year-long awareness and action to reverse the debilitating impacts of CVD.

Emirates Nursing Association

a non-profit organization

Working Hours:

Monday to Thursday

08:00 - 16:00


08:00 - 12:30

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