INS Overseas in the United Arab Emirates

The Many Benefits of the Policies and Procedures
by Dawn Berndt, DNP, RN, CRNI®
The Policies and Procedures (P&Ps) are a population-based and care center–based set of references providing policy structure for acute care, home infusion, ambulatory infusion centers, neonate to adolescent populations, and older adults. Using the Policies and Procedures alongside the Infusion Therapy Standards of Practice enhances your knowledge, understanding, and practice of infusion therapy, ensuring that you have the necessary guidance to provide safe infusion therapy-related procedures.
Each of the 5 versions:
• Offers easy-to-read information and step-by-step procedure instructions for vascular access device insertion, management, removal, and many other infusion therapy–related practices.
• Outlines the immediate interventions to take when complications occur; you are armed with instant steps to mitigate harm and to provide the best care for your patients.
• Lists the procedural steps and all the key points and assessment recommendations, patient education, and documentation information necessary to perform each task.
• Is a handy reference available both in a spiral paperback and a digital version to best meet your day-to-day needs.
With 60 separate infusion-related practices addressed, the INS Policies and Procedures are an invaluable tool for bedside practice, which also may be used to develop your own organization’s evidence-based policies.