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ENA at Global Partners Meeting (GPM) for Nursing and Midwifery (formerly the “Triad Meeting”) of WHO, ICN and ICM in Geneva 2024

Updated: Jul 18

Emirates Nursing Association attended and participated at the Global Partners Meeting (GPM) for Nursing and Midwifery (formerly the “Triad Meeting”) of World Health Organization-WHO, International Council of Nursing-ICN and International Confederation of Nursing-ICM in Geneva from 23rd -24th of May, 2024. This provides a strategic opportunity for policy dialogue and planning on nursing and midwifery contributions to stronger and more resilient communities and health systems.  It is also a critical time to take stock of progress on the Global Strategic Directions for Nursing and Midwifery 2021-2025.  The GPM will occur at the midpoint of data reporting for the State of the World’s Nursing (SoWN) 2025 report, an important time to review data and address any gaps prior to the close of reporting for this landmark report.

The meeting was organized and supported by WHO. 150 countries were involved in this meeting presented by nursing and midwifery leaders , national Nursing Associations-NNA’s representatives and other partners. During the first day, WHO nursing chiefs, ICN-CEO, ICM-CEO and nursing and midwifery leaders from different countries shared their experiences and challenges, WHO representative gave an overview about nursing shortages, migrations, wellbeing and others concerns related to nursing and midwifery across the glob. Success stories related to different initiatives and activities were shared.

On the other side  there was an National Nursing Associations - NNA’s meeting led by ICN President Dr Pamila Cipriano and Mr. Howard Catton the ICN Chief Executive. And Emirates Nursing Association - UAE was presented by the Vice president  Dr. Safa Ezzat Al Mustafa. During the meeting they thanked the NNA’s collaboration and attendance. Also, shed lights on the important points, the main objectives of the two days meetings and they listed the important take away messages from ICN-CEO,  ICN presidents, ICN board members, ICN vice presidents -Third ICN vice presidents from Taiwan Lian-HuaHuang, second ICN vice presidents from Norway Karen Bejaro, First ICN vice presidents  from Canada Lisa  Little  and NNA’s representatives as mentioned:

  • The important of real time data, the data is importance and should be collected to highlight the nursing career and profession and to be limited to the quality of patient care; to continue ICN leadership program, ensure and support nurses’ profession to be in a position at leadership level, how we can use the WHO data to improve nurses’ profession and education, nursing shortages should not be limited to primary care, and we have to focus on the unit level base. They appreciate the good work that been done and how the nurses been empowered nursing immigration challenges, government engagement and support for such countries, emphasized on nursing wellbeing and mental health, improve work environment, leadership support and collaboration and adopting from each other’s at community and country level.

Important points and dates that been addressed by ICN-CEO Mr. Howard Catton as commented on the excellent collaboration between ICN and ICM and how they are strong together and highlighted the upcoming important events:

  • Nursing Legacy (21st -22nd) of October/2024 (ICN), free registration

  • ICN Congress between (9th-13th) June/2025, in Helsink/Finland, Abstract will open from August to 30th September /2024

  • New version with slight changes on ICN missions and Values available in the Web site for review and reading.

  • Global voice is important to influence and impact on workforce, strengthen the education, retention, NNA’s to increase and strengthen the membership, enhance leadership, increase leadership programs, looking in nursing revenue and future sustainability, expand the humanitarian support, to look to the financial support for NNA’s in poor countries, streamline our governance of ICN look into the structure, and for NNA’s to share any agenda for 2025, What ICN can help the NNA’s in any country to speak on behalf of them, ICN are working on standardizing the definition of RN, The NNA’s presidents will receive a survey to fill any missing data related to their countries, nursing migrations from different countries and need to be done and the support needed from ICN, important date to be considered that 31st of August 2024 is the deadline for the new ICN board members and president.

Other suggestions and recommendations enlisted are:

  • To have more chances as an NNA’s to exchange our experiences and ideas.

  • Ensure to have a nursing insurance to support the nursing that are leaving and working outside their countries.

  • To indicate and add a topic related to climate changes.

  • To enhance and keep the networking between the NNA’s

ENA shared their overview and recommendations by Dr. Safa Azzat Al Mustafa-Vice President, ENA -UAE in addition to what been mentioned:

  • Appreciation and the gratitude to the tremendous support received from ICN CEO, Presidents and the board members for the excellent partnership and collaboration between WHO, ICN and ICM.

  • Emphasized on the importance of the data that should not be limited to gathering and mining it but also, sharing the data and its trends that will assist us nursing leaders across the globe to focus on improving our practices, policy and nursing /midwifery profession by looking into this data

  • The nursing wellbeing and mental health assessment it varies from country to country, so ICN should propose and suggest having a survey or a study from each country to be able to help and support.

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