Individual virtual interviews were conducted with 36 nurses from five countries and were analyzed using Giorgi’s methodology.

In line to empower nursing research and workforce wellbeing, UAE participated through co-author Dr.Sumaya Alblooshi (President of Emirates Nursing Association) contributed actively in the research titled: "The Lived Experiences of Nurses Caring for Patients With COVID-19 in Arabian Gulf Countries: A Multisite Descriptive Phenomenological Study", aimed to understand nurses’ lived experiences caring for patients diagnosed with COVID-19 in Arabian Gulf countries. Individual virtual interviews were conducted with 36 nurses from five countries and were analyzed using Giorgi’s methodology. Four main themes were identified: (1) living with doubts, (2) living through the chaos of challenges, (3) moving toward professional resilience, and (4) reaching the maximum level of potential.
Where nurses reported a high level of physical, psychological, and social burdens, which were metaphorically reported as “fighting a battle with a hostile but invisible enemy” and “without weapons.” Nurses had to tackle the challenges imposed by the COVID-19 pandemic with their full strength, focusing on the well-being of their patients and families. The findings from this study hopefully will guide health organizations in this region in developing strategies and policies to support and prepare nurses for future outbreaks.