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Emirates Nursing Association (ENA) is committed to voice the inspirations, expectations, achievements and challenges of nurses across the United Arab Emirates (UAE). Our mission is to enhance the status and image of nurses in UAE and project the true values and contributions of nursing profession within the healthcare system for the UAE youth and community in specific and to the whole world in general. We believe that key elements of success are essential to the attainment of ENA vision and strategic plans. Those elements include collaboration at the national level, harmonization of strategic goals between all nursing leaders and national stakeholders, and the continuation of constructive cooperation with our regional and global partners. Those elements additionally assure attracting young talents of both genders to nursing profession, and empowers nurses at various levels to make sound decisions, participate in policy development, ensure the continuity of strategic gains, and build leadership capabilities qualified to carry the flag and follow the path of distinction and leadership towards achieving a happy, healthy and prosperous Emirati society.

In Emirates Nursing Association, we commit to excellence, leadership and innovation where nurses in the UAE are at the center of our initiatives and programs. We strive to support and empower qualified and competent nurses who provide sustainable, specialized, advanced, high quality and safe nursing care to meet the UAE community needs and expectations. Our growing professional network, partners, volunteers and members profiles are critical to our success. We welcome all to join us in this amazing journey and engage actively to serve the intended national agenda and objectives. We are proud to be the representing voice of nurse in UAE within the International Council of Nurses (ICN) and all its affiliated national nursing associations. We honor this responsibility and strive to best represent the UAE.

The development of the National Strategy for Nursing and Midwifery (2022 – 2026) well-defined roadmap that assures achievement of targeted national outcomes, aligns with the expectations of country leaders, achieves national goals, supports the UAE health system global pioneering position, ensures full readiness in line with international recommendations and promotes the establishment of excellence standards and positivity in the nursing and midwifery community in the country. We - as Emirates Nursing Association- pledge our support and endorsement of this strategy. Hand in hand we create the future of the nursing profession.

Dr. Sumaya AlBlooshi

Emirates Nursing Association President

Working hand in hand to mobilize nursing to be a force for a better future

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